Aiciniet jūsu senatorus ASV Kongresā iestāties par NATO un Baltijas valstu drošību!

09. februāris, 2019

Aiciniet jūsu senatorus ASV Kongresā iestāties par NATO un Baltijas valstu drošību!

Dear friend of the Baltics,

The Senate is considering a bill (S.J.Res.4) that would require Senate approval or an Act of Congress to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. NATO is the cornerstone for protecting American interests of stability and security in the Baltics. It is CRITICAL that your elected officials hear from you on the importance of ensuring ongoing leadership and participation by the U.S. in NATO. Please contact your two senators to support the bill.

Three easy steps:

1. Check if either of your two senators has already sponsored the bill here:…/senate-joint-resolu…/4/cosponsors (If you are from VA, Sen. Kaine introduced the bill—thank him for it!)

2. Find your senators, and each link to their separate Contact page, here:

3. Copy and paste the appropriate text from below into the form on each senator’s Contact page.

Text for senators who have NOT yet co-sponsored the bill:

Please co-sponsor S.J.Res.4, a bill that would require Senate approval or an Act of Congress to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. As the most successful alliance in history, NATO is a pillar of security protecting U.S. interests in the world. ENSURING A STRONG NATO IS A VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE FOR ME. I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR SUPPORT OF THIS LEGISLATION AND GETTING IT SIGNED INTO LAW!

Text for those who HAVE co-sponsored the bill:

Thank you for being a co-sponsor of S.J.Res.4, a bill that would require Senate approval or an Act of Congress to withdraw the U.S. from NATO. As the most successful alliance in history, NATO is a pillar of security protecting U.S. interests in the world. ENSURING A STRONG NATO IS A VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE FOR ME. I LOOK FORWARD TO THIS LEGISLATION AND GETTING IT SIGNED INTO LAW!