Angel Heart Society Success Stories: Ivo

Mar 19, 2020

Angel Heart Society Success Stories


ALA has started a partnership with the Angel Heart Society, whose mission is to financially support motivated, talented, hardworking children and young adults in low-income families in rural areas of Latvia.

“My name is Ivo. I am in the 7th grade at the Ladezera  School in Limbazi. I really enjoy learning, but most of all I like to do research. In 4th grade, I was interested in how circuitry works. In 5th grade, I decided to explore what it would take to publish my book. For several years now, my family has been striving to live in an environmentally friendly way. This school year has encouraged me to explore how it is possible to limit the amount of plastic bags in our everyday lives. If we want to live in a beautiful world and limit the negative impact of mankind on the environment, we must all start with ourselves. I really want to explore this area more, find out what’s already being done in Latvia, and develop some new discoveries.”

Ivo lives in a family of two children. The father is the sole provider and due to health concerns the mother cannot work. The young man can be described as a researcher who follows world events with great interest and understanding. Ivo is very focused, enterprising and smart. He completes any requested task and homework with great energy and enthusiasm! We see a great future for Ivo. We want to help develop his talents, help to provide comprehensive knowledge in his areas of interest, to pay for a young scientist’s summer camp experience, and to assist him in applying for international competitions. 

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