Board Meeting on September 12, 2015
Board Resolutions
Resolution Nr. 1
The ALA Board confirms the nomination of 27 members of the American Latvian community for the annual ALA certificate of recognition.
Resolution Nr. 2
The ALA Board accepts the financial reports (Statement of Financial Position and Budget vs. Actual) as presented.
Resolution Nr. 3
After careful discussions regarding accepting donations for which the ultimate intended recipient is outside of ALA’s internal Office structure, the ALA Board resolves to reject proposals to channel donations to the ,,Silent Hero” project through ALA’s accounts.
Resolution Nr. 4
In response to the Latvian Scouts’ Association, Inc. US Region proposal, the ALA Board supports the idea of pronouncing the Year 2017 as the “100th Anniversary Year of the Latvian Scouts Movement” and resolves to recommend this project to World Federation of Free Latvians (WFFL) board for worldwide proclamation.
Resolution Nr. 5
The ALA Board nominates the three following persons for WFFL Cultural fund offices: Guntis Šmidchens – Humanitarian and Social Sciences division director (U.S.), Marta Mannenbach – Press division advisor (U.S.), and Pauls Berkolds – Music division advisor (U.S.).