Board Meeting on September 10-11, 2016
Board Resolutions
Resolution Nr. 1
The ALA Board resolves to continue the fundraising campaign initiated at the 65th Congress to support Latvia’s Centennial Celebration in the US entitled “3×100 for the 100th anniversary of Latvia.” Donations will be used for celebrations in the US as well as ALA work. Every donor that meets $300 will receive a special pin with Celebrate Latvia 2018 logo.
Resolution Nr. 2
The ALA Board accepts the financial reports as presented by the Treasurer.
Resolution Nr. 3
The ALA Board decides to continue considering the Juris Abrenietis land donation offer.
Resolution Nr. 4
The ALA Board resolves to place the $20,000 Laimdota Sausais bequest into the general fund because the requested Relief Fund no longer exists.
Resolution Nr. 5
The ALA Board approves a transfer of $300,000 from ALA’s Vanguard Main Account to ALA’s SunTrust checking account.
Resolution Nr. 6
The ALA Board resolves to remit an annual administrative and support fee to the WFFL (PBLA) in the amount $2000 for their services as custodian of ALAs accounts in Riga, Latvia.
Resolution Nr. 7
The ALA Board approved 35 candidates int he US to receive ALA’s recognition certificates. The certificates will be presented at Latvia’s Independence Day celebrations in November at various Latvian centers, at which time the recipients will be announced.
Resolution Nr. 8
The ALA Board resolves to hold the next board meeting on Dec. 2-4, 2016, in Rockville, and to organize a social get-to-know event with the Latvian Embassy staff.
Resolution Nr. 9
The ALA Board electronically approved one more candidate in the US to receive ALA’s recognition certificate.
Resolution Nr. 10
The ALA Board electronically voted to support “Te nu mēs esam” musical tour of the US Latvian centers.