Board Meeting on September 14-15, 2013

Board Resolutions

Resolution Nr. 1
The ALA Board resolves to offer Baiba Dolinsky a part-time paid position (up to 12 hours per week), beginning on October 1, 2013, with the hopes that she will quickly familiarize herself with ALA bookkeeping procedures working with ALA’s accountant from Grossberg, LLP, and, under the supervision of the ALA Treasurer, will eventually take on the full duties of the part-time bookkeeping position.  

Resolution Nr. 2
The ALA Board unanimously accepts the Treasurer’s financial statements, including theStatement of  Financial Position”, and theProfit & Loss Statement”. 

Resolution Nr. 3
Because of the revisions to the rental contract between ALA and the Latvian Lutheran Church, which specify a monthly rent increase of 5% starting with October (from $2300 to $2450), the ALA Board agrees to also raise the rent for PBLA and JBANC offices by 5%, starting with the 1st of October.

Resolution Nr. 4
The ALA Board resolves to make a continuing job offer to PBLA special projects director Ilze Garoza, for a one year period from November 2013November 2014, in accordance with the guidelines of the U.S. ,,L” visa (work exchange between a parent and child organization). Ilze’s main projects would be the following: (1) to organize ALA’s second Archives conference in 2014, (2) to co-author ALA’s history book documenting activity from 2001-2013 with Anita Tērauda, and (3) continue to improve ALA’s public relations, including work on the ALA homepage and social media. 

Resolution Nr. 5
 The ALA Board resolves to grant 2013 ALA achievement awards to all nominees. The names of the nominees will be publicized during the November 18th national holiday events in Latvian community centers. 

Resolution Nr. 6
 The ALA Board unanimously resolves to examine and modify the guidelines for ALA achievement award nomination and awarding procedures for the following year. The Cultural Office Director agrees to think over possible changes and make suggestions to the Board at the December meeting. 

Resolution Nr. 7
The ALA Board unanimously supports the suggestion to change the guidelines for the subsidies that ALA provides to small Latvian community centers for the purpose of cultural event coordination. The Board agrees to extend the subsidies to all centers (large or small); once a year one ALA member organization from each center may request $250 for the coordination of a specific cultural event. 

Resolution Nr. 8
In accordance with a suggestion made at the 62nd ALA Kongress in Seattle, the ALA Board resolves to hold the second ALA Archive conference in 2014.

Resolution Nr. 9
To educate the U.S. Latvian community about the changes in Latvian citizenship law, the ALA Board resolves to coordinate an Informational seminar for the community on the practicalities of the Latvian citizenship revisions and the dual citizenship legalities, during their next board meetings in December, in cooperation with the Embassy of Latvia. ALA’s winter board meeting will take place on Friday, December 6th, and the Informational seminar will be on Saturday, December 7th, at the Embassy. The ALA Board will invite community leaders and workers from U.S. Latvian centers to the seminar. After the seminar, there will be a holiday social event in the Embassy, for which ALA will help to cover costs.

Resolution Nr. 10
The ALA Board resolves to support the organization of this year’s ALJA Kongress in Denver with a $1000 donation to the planning committee.