Pianist Andrejs Osokins’ Solo Concert “Parallels”

Mar 18, 2021

Let’s celebrate the start of spring with world-renowned Latvian pianist, Andrejs Osokins!

The American Latvian Association, as part of its 70th anniversary event series, offers you the opportunity to attend an outstanding virtual concert. Andrejs’ solo program will feature the surprising parallels between American and Latvian piano music in the 20th century.

After the concert, please join us for a conversation with Andrejs Osokins, during which time it will be possible for you to send him your questions. The discussion will be led by musicologist Liene Jakovļeva.

Date: Saturday, March 27, 2021
Time: 13:00 EDT; 12:00 CDT; 11:00 MDT; 10:00 PDT; 9:00 AK; 7:00 HST.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89199028843?pwd=dURJMDFsUzdhL3RYUVlndTBTRlFRdz09


Video Recording