ALA Internship Program “Spend the Summer in Latvia!” in 2021

Mar 08, 2021

The American Latvian Association thanks everyone who is interested in our internship program “Spend the Summer in Latvia!” After consulting with authorities and internship employers in Latvia, we very much hope that it will be possible to offer internships in the summer of 2021.

Due to the COVID-10 related state of emergency in Latvia, which was been extended until April 6, 2021, ALA will not make any decisions regarding the 2021 internship program before this date.

Of course, the possibility for interns to travel to Latvia will be dependent on the availability of vaccines, travel restrictions and potential self-isolation orders.

The head of the PVL program, Līga Ejups, promises to relay decisions regarding this year’s program in the beginning of May.

If you would like to receive updates about the internship program, please write to: